Groote Eylandt sports tours

Groote Eylandt, located in the Northern Territory, is a renowned sports fishing destination offering a diverse range of fishing experiences for anglers of all skill levels. The island boasts reef, bluewater sportfishing, estuary, and fly fishing opportunities.

Key features of sports fishing tours in Groote Eylandt include access to virtually unfished waters, multi-day fishing charters with top-notch equipment, accommodation in waterfront bungalows at Groote Eylandt Lodge, opportunities to explore Aboriginal rock art sites, and additional activities like visiting historical sites and picturesque locations such as Milner Bay port.

Groote Eylandt sports fishing caters to novices and experienced anglers alike, providing an ideal destination for a fishing adventure. Visitors can opt for private fishing charters, choosing from full-day trips or multi-day fishing safaris to make the most of their experience on the island.