Launceston Region sports tours

The Launceston region in Tasmania is a haven for adventure enthusiasts, offering a variety of sports tours and activities. Cycling is a popular option, with world-class mountain biking trails along the north coast and the Bass Highway, as well as bike rental options in Hobart. Kayaking tours provided by Launceston Kayak Tours offer scenic river experiences using Hobie pedal-powered kayaks, ranging from a few hours to a full day on the Tamar River.

For those interested in rock climbing and abseiling, the Cataract Gorge in Launceston serves as a natural training ground, catering to both local climbers and beginners. Hiking enthusiasts will find plenty of trails and national parks to explore in Tasmania's pristine wilderness. Diving tours on the east coast of Tasmania attract divers worldwide with vibrant marine life and stunning underwater scenery.

In addition, Launceston offers cable gliding experiences, including zip lining at the renowned Tahune Forest Airwalk and another option just 20 minutes north of the city. With its diverse range of activities, Launceston is an ideal destination for travelers seeking outdoor adventures in Tasmania.

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