Benaraby things to do

Benaraby, a charming destination near Gladstone, Queensland, offers a variety of attractions and activities for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. One top place to visit is Lake Awoonga, a picturesque lake known for its scenic beauty and recreational activities such as fishing, boating, and wildlife spotting. Another attraction is Ironbark Gully, a secluded nature reserve that offers a network of walking trails leading to various viewing points. It is home to diverse flora and fauna, making it perfect for hiking, camping, bird watching, and picnicking. Castle Tower Lookout is a popular lookout point that offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding area, making it a great spot for capturing memorable photos. Benaraby is also known for its great eateries and scenic waterways, making it a delightful place to indulge in local cuisine and leisurely walks along the water.