Bothwell things to do

Bothwell, Tasmania, is a village with a rich history and Scottish ambiance. It offers a variety of attractions and activities for travelers. One of the must-visit attractions is the Nant Distillery, known for producing some of Australia's best whisky. The Ratho Golf Course, Australia's oldest golf course, is a great place to experience the village's Scottish heritage and enjoy a round of golf. Bothwell is also home to more than 50 heritage-listed buildings, including the Australasian Golf Museum and St Luke's Uniting Church.

For outdoor enthusiasts, Bothwell offers opportunities for nature walks, birdwatching, and enjoying picturesque landscapes at the Highlands Power Trail, Tiger Rise Conservation Area, and Good Marsh Conservation Area. Visitors can also indulge in activities such as fly fishing and cheese tasting to immerse themselves in the local culture and traditions. Bothwell's favorable location, just a one-hour drive from Hobart, makes it an ideal day trip destination for those exploring Tasmania.

Bothwell's climate, with warm summers and cold winters, makes it a year-round destination. Whether it's exploring heritage buildings, enjoying outdoor activities, or experiencing local culinary delights, Bothwell has something to offer to every traveler, making it a unique and memorable stop in the heart of Tasmania.