Cohuna things to do

Cohuna, a charming rural town in Victoria, offers a variety of attractions and activities for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. One of the must-see spots is Gunbower Island, situated within Gunbower National Park, a haven for nature lovers with wetlands, billabongs, and the iconic Murray River, serving as a breeding ground for a variety of waterbirds. The park also features scenic walking trails, making it ideal for a rejuvenating bushwalk. Additionally, visitors can explore the lush forests and waterways through activities such as kayaking with Murray River Adventures or enjoying a scenic forest drive perfect for a picnic, fishing, or boating.

For those interested in local culture and history, the Cohuna Visitor Information Centre, also known as the Gateway to Gannawarra Visitor Centre, offers plenty of tourism information to help visitors get the most out of their stay. Moreover, the town has many hidden gems, cafes, and shops, each with its own unique character, providing an opportunity to soak up the friendly town's ambience.