Maryborough West things to do

Maryborough West, Queensland, offers a variety of attractions and activities for travelers. One of the top attractions is the Maryborough Military & Colonial Museum, which provides insight into the region's military history. Visitors can also explore Queens Park, a beautiful and well-maintained park ideal for leisurely strolls. Additionally, the Mary Ann Steam Locomotive is a must-see for train enthusiasts, offering a glimpse into the area's railway heritage.

For those interested in history, the Story Bank and Customs House are worth a visit, showcasing the rich heritage of Maryborough. Furthermore, the Bond Store Museum provides a fascinating look into the area's past as a wool port. Visitors can also take a ride on the Mary Ann and explore the Brennan and Geraghty Museum to delve deeper into the local history and culture.

Moreover, Maryborough hosts the Mary Poppins Festival, offering a unique and creative experience for the whole family. For outdoor enthusiasts, the Fraser Coast Wildlife Sanctuary and Mt Walsh Summit provide opportunities to connect with nature and enjoy the scenic beauty of the region.

Whether it's delving into history, enjoying outdoor activities, or simply taking in the local culture, Maryborough West, Queensland, has something to offer for every type of traveler.