Morisset things to do

Morisset, a suburb in New South Wales, offers a variety of attractions and activities for travelers. One of the top attractions is Lake Macquarie, the largest coastal saltwater lake in Australia, where visitors can enjoy water activities such as sailing, fishing, and watching the abundant wildlife. For nature enthusiasts, the Watagans National Park, located inland from Morisset, is a great destination for hiking in rainforest, exploring perched lookouts, and discovering waterfalls. Additionally, the Jilliby State Conservation Area features the Muirs lookout, offering awe-inspiring scenic views of the surrounding area.

For those interested in history and culture, Morisset and its surrounding areas offer several museums and historical sites. The Dobell House, the former home of renowned Australian artist William Dobell, provides insight into his life and work. Cooranbong, a town near Morisset, is home to the Seventh-day Adventist Church's Avondale College, the Sanitarium Health Food Company, and a museum showcasing artefacts from the church's missions to the South Seas.

Moreover, adrenaline seekers can enjoy activities such as Fliteboard experiences and visiting the Monkey Face lookout, which offers stunning views of the area.