Mylestom things to do

Mylestom, a small town in New South Wales, Australia, offers a variety of attractions and activities for travelers. For those interested in outdoor pursuits, the town is a popular spot for fishing, with a diverse range of fish species available, and nearby charters offering unique experiences. The area is also well-suited for surfing, with North Beach being a great location for both beginners and experienced surfers. Additionally, Mylestom provides stunning hiking trails, catering to both novice and seasoned hikers, and offering beautiful coastal views. The town's natural beauty and outdoor opportunities make it an ideal destination for nature enthusiasts.

In addition to its outdoor attractions, Mylestom is home to the North Beach Recreation & Bowling Club, providing a leisurely setting for visitors to relax and enjoy various activities. The town's peaceful atmosphere and proximity to the beach make it a charming destination for those seeking a tranquil coastal retreat. Whether it's engaging in water sports, unwinding by the shore, or exploring the local area, Mylestom offers a range of experiences for travelers of all ages.