Nadgee things to do

Nadgee Nature Reserve in New South Wales offers a range of attractions and activities for nature enthusiasts. One of the main highlights is the Nadgee wilderness walk, a spectacular 50km coastal walk from Merrica River to Mallacoota, providing stunning views, birdwatching, and whale watching opportunities. The reserve is a haven for those who enjoy peace and quiet, with opportunities for swimming in pristine lakes, fishing, and observing diverse wildlife and flora. For those interested in shorter walks, there are also options for easy day walks, picnic grounds, and tranquil beaches near the family-friendly town of Wonboyn at the north end of Nadgee.

The Nadgee Nature Reserve is known for its unspoiled and uncrowded wilderness, making it an ideal destination for those looking to immerse themselves in nature and escape the hustle and bustle of city life. The reserve's diverse landscapes, from sandstone cliffs to coastal heath, provide ample opportunities for exploration and wildlife observation, including native wrens and little wattlebirds.