Queanbeyan West things to do

Queanbeyan West, New South Wales, offers a variety of attractions and activities for travelers to explore. One of the top attractions is the Molonglo Gorge, located on the tranquil banks of the Molonglo River, offering a serene natural setting for visitors to enjoy. For those interested in the arts, the Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre is a must-visit, showcasing a range of cultural performances and events. Additionally, the Queanbeyan Museum, housed within the old police sergeant's residence, offers a fascinating glimpse into the local history through its diverse exhibits, including a medical exhibit, a machinery shed, and a period bedroom. History enthusiasts will appreciate the Lanyon Drive Cemetery, which is a significant historical landmark in the area. For a leisurely day out, the Riverside Plaza provides a shopping and dining experience, perfect for relaxation and indulgence. Sports and art enthusiasts can visit the Queanbeyan Sporting Gallery, the Queanbeyan Art Society, and the Queen Elizabeth II Park, each offering unique experiences for visitors. Finally, for those looking to savor local cuisine, Pronto by Trecento offers classic Italian food designed to be shared with family, providing a delightful dining experience for travelers. Whether you're interested in nature, history, arts, or culinary delights, Queanbeyan West has something to offer for every type of traveler.