Raine Island things to do

Raine Island, located off Cape York in the Far Northern Reefs of Queensland, is known for being the world's largest known rookery for the vulnerable green turtle and the most significant seabird rookery in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Although the island itself is not accessible to the public, it is an excellent dive site that can be visited on a long-range liveaboard dive boat. The surrounding waters are home to a diverse marine life, including turtles, sharks, Maori wrasse, and various pelagic fish. Diving enthusiasts can encounter dozens of turtles and explore the fringing reef, characterized by coral gardens and plunging walls adorned with marine life. The island is also the focus of special expeditions, such as the Turtle Spectacular, offering a unique 7-night trip including diving with the world's largest green turtle population on the reefs around Raine Island.