White Beach things to do

White Beach, Tasmania, offers a variety of attractions and activities for travelers. One of the must-visit sites near White Beach is the Port Arthur Historic Site, located just 10 minutes away. This site provides a fascinating insight into the history of the area and is a significant cultural attraction.

For nature enthusiasts, the area is ideal for bushwalking, with the Tasman Peninsula offering some of Tasmania's best walks. Additionally, the region is known for its stunning coastlines, which can be experienced through activities such as the Tasman Island Cruise and the Tasman Long Weekend by Tasmanian Walking Company.

Water activities are also popular in White Beach, with opportunities for surfing, fishing, and leisurely beach strolls. Roaring Beach, in particular, is known for its challenging waves, attracting surfers seeking an exhilarating experience. Furthermore, golf enthusiasts can enjoy the picturesque Tasman Golf Club, which overlooks the sea cliffs of the Tasman Peninsula.