Etheridge tours

Etheridge, Queensland, offers a variety of captivating tours and attractions that cater to different interests. In the region, you can immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of Cobbold Gorge, where activities include a gorge cruise, a stroll along the glass bridge, and guided tours in the unique savannah wonderland. Cumberland Chimney is a perfect spot for birdwatching, and the area is home to various wildlife species that can be encountered during activities like bushwalking, kayaking, and mountain biking.

For those interested in gold prospecting and mining heritage, the region offers opportunities to try your hand at gold prospecting and explore the rich mining history, including the Cumberland Chimney and the remains of an old gold crushing plant. Additionally, visitors can visit the TerrEstrial Centre in Georgetown to see the impressive Ted Elliott Mineral Collection, featuring over 4,500 mineral specimens from around the world. Explore the stunning Lava Tubes, Gems, and Gorges Geotrails along the Savannah Way, showcasing dramatic gorges, ancient lava tubes, and beautiful gemstones.

Visit the Artesian Bore in Burketown, drilled in 1897, which still issues boiling water and has created a billabong effect that attracts birdlife. Elevate your Cobbold Gorge experience with a thrilling helicopter flight that offers a unique perspective of the region. Nestled in the heart of the spectacular Savannah Gulf region, the Etheridge Shire provides an enchanting blend of cattle grazing and mining heritage, offering a true Far North Queensland experience.

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