Litchfield tours

Litchfield National Park, located in the Northern Territory, is a stunning destination that offers a variety of tours and activities for visitors. Some of the top tours and highlights include an Indigenous Litchfield Tour that offers an immersive experience in the natural beauty and cultural symbolism of the area. This tour includes swimming in natural pools, a meal featuring local wildlife, and a deeper understanding of Aboriginal life.

Another popular option is the Litchfield National Park Day Tour, a full-day trip from Darwin that showcases lush forests, termite mounds, rock formations, and waterfalls. For a different perspective, visitors can opt for a helicopter tour to appreciate the vibrant landscape from above.

The park is known for its stunning waterfalls like those at Wangi, Florence, and Tjaynera/Sandy that cascade into crystal-clear pools. Adventure enthusiasts can explore 4WD tracks and scenic walks to discover the diverse landscape and ancient features of the park.

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