
When visiting Coolabunia, Queensland, there are several attractions and activities to explore. If you're a nature enthusiast, the Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve offers a spectacular walk and the opportunity to spot wildlife, especially during dawn or dusk. For a family-friendly outing, Apex Park features a playground for children and plenty of grand old trees that provide a perfect setting for a relaxing picnic. Additionally, the Mount Wooroolin Lookout, located four kilometers west of Kingaroy, offers a reserve and lookout with panoramic views, making it a great spot to appreciate the natural beauty of the area.

If you're interested in local history, a visit to Coolabunia Hill, the former residence of Queensland's late Premier, John Bjelke-Petersen, and his wife Florence Bjelke-Petersen, offers a glimpse into the region's heritage. Furthermore, the Kingaroy Heritage Museum, located nearby, provides an opportunity to delve into the area's rich history and heritage.

For a more panoramic view of the surroundings, the Crawford viewing platform offers stunning vistas of Kingaroy and its environs, including the iconic peanut silos and the Tarong Power Station. These attractions and activities provide a diverse and enriching experience for travelers exploring Coolabunia and its surroundings.

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