Wingecarribee art galleries and exhibitions

Wingecarribee, located in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales, is a hub for art enthusiasts and collectors, thanks to its vibrant arts community. The region boasts several notable art galleries:

Ngunungulla Regional Art Gallery offers a glimpse into the creative talent of the Southern Highlands through a diverse collection of artworks by local and regional artists. Michael Reid Southern Highlands in Berrima showcases contemporary art, including pieces by First Nations artists and local painters, sculptors, and craftspeople. BDAS Gallery in Bowral hosts exhibitions, events, and workshops featuring artists from the Southern Highlands, aligning with its charter to promote arts appreciation in the region.

The Southern Highlands features a thriving arts scene, attracting a diverse range of creative individuals such as artists, performers, writers, and musicians. The area's cool climate, natural beauty, and lifestyle create an inspiring setting for artistic expression and appreciation. The Wingecarribee Shire Council organizes various arts and cultural events throughout the year, enriching the lives of residents and drawing visitors from near and far.

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Wingecarribee art galleries and exhibitions - Localista

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