Revelation Perth International Film Festival

Revelation Perth International Film Festival

Founded in 1997, Revelation stands out as one of Australia’s premier independent film festivals. It remains dedicated to advocating for Australian screen culture, especially in a traditionally conservative exhibition landscape. Revelation champions signature-driven works, welcoming audiences of all ages, tastes, and backgrounds. With a strong commitment to ethical partnerships and social justice, the festival brings a unique vitality and enthusiasm to the industry. Film lovers should mark their calendars for the annual Revelation Film Festival, held every July, which showcases over 100 films and special events.

What makes it great?

In 2024, Revelation delivered a captivating program full of unforgettable moments and thought-provoking narratives that resonated with audiences long after the credits rolled, including over 30 feature films and documentaries, over 80 short films and special screenings and events at the WA Museum Boola Bardip, Scitech, State Library of WA and the Perth Library. There is also the annual Industrial Revelations program designed for emerging and established practitioners.

"We’re backing the creatives behind local films with our biggest professional development program to date. There’s an undeniable momentum driving this year’s program and we can’t wait to experience it with audiences" --- Revelation Director Richard Sowada.

More from Revelation

In addition to the festival, Revelation brings top-class film and events to Perth year-round.


Revelation's streaming service is one of the most comprehensive catalogues of independent films available online, and includes the largest collection of Western Australian films for public access. There are more than 500 titles for viewing, with many of them free-to-stream (including all short films). All films for rent can be viewed for up to 6 months, from any device, and viewed as many times as you like. Many titles, including all the shorts, are available internationally.

Most titles have screened as part of the Revelation Perth International Film Festival since 1997, and Revelation adds new titles every month. Profits from online streaming are also split evenly with the filmmakers, supporting the future of the film industry.

WA Screen Culture Awards

Celebrating excellence in screen culture, the WA Screen Culture Awards pay tribute to the remarkable talents shaping the captivating world of screen culture in Western Australia. Whether you’re a visionary filmmaker, a brilliant actor, a skilled producer, or a creative force behind the scenes, Revelation celebrates your contributions to this ever-evolving landscape of storytelling. With an awards night hosted in November, accolades are awarded across multiple categories by a nationally- and internationally acclaimed jury.

Life in Pictures

The Life in Pictures short film competition is an innovative collaboration between the Department of Communities, arts, and the community to encourage discussion around ageism and to promote positive ageing.

Ageism refers to stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination towards others or oneself based on age. Ageism is everywhere, with studies showing that one in two people are ageist and anyone can be affected by it. This type of prejudice is also unique in that it can be self-directed.

The short films created for Life in Pictures will help encourage discussion, interaction, and understanding about aspects of ageing and ageism, looking at the ways that ageism can be reduced, and bringing to light stories of ageing positively.

City of Vincent Film Project

In partnership with the City of Vincent, Revelation Film Festival is running the City of Vincent Film Project to create a series of short documentaries made in and about the City of Vincent.

The project looks for stories in and about Vincent! The City has a wealth of subject matter – local characters, urban legends, extraordinary community groups doing amazing things, local history, businesses that serve the community in special ways plus facilities and parks that hold special meanings to our community.

Projects must be in the documentary genre, but can be comedic, dramatic or animated. Films must be between 5 and 10 minutes in length including credits and suitable for screening at all age events. Up to three projects will be selected for funding. Support consists of a cash component of $8,000 plus a documentary master class, and mentoring during the development, production and post-production phases. All projects must be shot in the City of Vincent.

The successful films will screen at a special gala during the annual Revelation Perth International Film Festival taking place in July at the Luna Palace Cinemas Leederville.


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