Daylesford and Macedon Ranges parks

Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges, situated in Victoria, Australia, are renowned for their breathtaking parks and natural attractions, encompassing lush forests, rolling farmland, and natural mineral springs that provide visitors with the opportunity to immerse themselves in nature and explore the diverse scenery of the region.

A standout park in the area is the Wombat State Forest, spanning around 70,000 hectares of untouched bushland between Woodend and Daylesford. This forest is a habitat for various native wildlife species, including kangaroos, wallabies, echidnas, frogs, bats, and lizards. The region also boasts several national parks and reserves, each offering distinctive landscapes and activities, from rugged river gorges to scenic mountains, showcasing the natural beauty of the area and providing abundant opportunities for outdoor adventures.

Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges are celebrated for their award-winning regional dining, cool-climate wines, rejuvenating spa retreats, and exceptional accommodation options. Accessible by a drive from Melbourne, which typically takes between one to two hours depending on the destination, the region experiences four distinct seasons, each offering its own set of experiences for visitors, ranging from cozying up by a fire in winter to enjoying outdoor activities and al fresco dining in the summer.

Daylesford and Macedon Ranges
Tourist attractions

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