Nullarbor attractions

The Nullarbor Plain, located in South Australia, offers a unique and diverse range of attractions for travelers. One of the key highlights is the opportunity to drive the Eyre Highway across this vast, semi-arid landscape, which is four times the size of Belgium. Along the way, visitors can experience the Penong Windmills, iconic windmills that offer a picturesque and memorable sight. The Nullarbor Plain is also riddled with caves, such as the Cocklebiddy and Murrawijinie Caves, which showcase the unique geological features of the region. The Nullarbor Roadhouse is a key stop along the journey, providing essential services and a glimpse into the remote outback lifestyle. Travelers can also enjoy a round of golf on the world's longest golf course, the Nullarbor Links, spanning 1,365 kilometers. Additionally, the Nullarbor Plain offers breathtaking views of the Great Australian Bight and the vast, treeless expanse that gives the region its name, which means "no trees" in Latin. These attractions collectively offer a rich and diverse experience for travelers, showcasing the natural beauty and unique features of the Nullarbor Plain.