Gluten Free restaurants in Perth CBD

When visiting Perth, Western Australia, you will find numerous restaurants catering to diners seeking gluten-free options. Notable establishments include Angel Falls Grill, which offers a fully gluten-free menu for those with celiac disease. The Fluffy Lamb at the Fremantle Markets serves coeliac-friendly bone marrow rice and satay, while Run Amok hotdogs are also coeliac-friendly. Dhabha, a West/North Indian restaurant, prioritizes avoiding cross-contamination, and The Kauphy Place offers South Indian food that accommodates coeliacs. Strange Grains Gluten Free Bakery in Shenton Park provides a diverse range of gluten-free baked goods.

In the Perth CBD, restaurants like Double Rainbow offer Korean-ish cuisine with gluten-free options, and State Buildings provide a modern Bangkok-style menu that is almost entirely gluten-free. El PÚBLICO, a popular Mexican eatery, offers a largely gluten-free menu, except for some desserts. Redfish Fish, Chips & Grill serves house-made pasta with gluten-free alternatives, while Source Foods in Highgate offers coeliac-friendly breakfast dishes. Tonic & Ginger in Fremantle provides Asian fusion-style dinners with gluten-free and vegetarian options, and No Mafia, also in Fremantle, offers a diverse menu ranging from harissa eggs to vegan feasts, with many gluten-free and vegetarian options available.

These establishments collectively showcase Perth's dedication to providing diverse and inclusive dining experiences for individuals with varying dietary preferences and needs.

Perth CBD
Food & Drink
Gluten Free

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