Lamington things to do

Lamington, Western Australia, is a nature lover's paradise. The main highlight is the Lamington National Park, a World Heritage-listed park known for its lush rainforests, waterfalls, and diverse wildlife. Visitors can explore numerous walking trails, such as the popular Border Track, and immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the area.

Other attractions in Lamington include O'Reillys Birds of Prey, which is a must-visit for bird enthusiasts. The Gold Coast Hinterland Great Walk is perfect for hiking enthusiasts, offering stunning natural landscapes. The Green Mountain Campground is ideal for camping and enjoying the tranquility of the surroundings.

Lamington also offers several picturesque picnic spots surrounded by lush subtropical rainforest, providing a perfect setting for a relaxing day out. For the more adventurous, the location provides opportunities for rock climbing, abseiling, and canyoning. Guided tours are available for those who want to safely experience these thrilling activities.