Old Tallangatta attractions

Old Tallangatta in Victoria, Australia, offers a range of attractions for visitors. One key attraction is the Tallangatta Lookout, which provides excellent views of the Hume Reservoir valley. The lookout is popular among nature enthusiasts and photographers due to its picturesque perspective of the surrounding landscape.

In addition to the lookout, Old Tallangatta is known for its historical significance. The town is often described as an Australian Brigadoon, with a few houses left behind from the past. This aspect of the town's history adds a unique charm and appeal for those interested in exploring its heritage.

The "Tallangatta to Old Tallangatta Stroll" is another popular outdoor activity in the area. This leisurely walk allows visitors to experience the natural beauty and historical elements of the region. It provides an opportunity to immerse oneself in the serene surroundings and discover the quaint remnants of the old town.