Orbost restaurants

Nestled along the Snowy River in East Gippsland, Orbost offers visitors a delightful blend of traditional and contemporary dining experiences. With its rich agricultural heritage, the region boasts fresh produce and quality ingredients that inspire the menus of many local establishments. One notable venue is the Hand and Flowers pub in Marlow, known for its exquisite cuisine and luxurious accommodations. While not located directly in Orbost, it exemplifies the culinary prowess found throughout Gippsland. The pub's menu features locally sourced ingredients and innovative dishes that cater to both epicureans and hearty eaters alike. After indulging in a satisfying meal, guests can retreat to one of the four suites named after breeds of cattle for a restful stay.

For those seeking an authentic taste of Orbost's past, the region offers glimpses into its history through preserved buildings like the former house of T.S. Eliot, which now houses Michael Macdonald's Vanilla Pod restaurant. Additionally, remnants of picnic culture can be seen in vintage soft drink bottles once used during outings along the Snowy River. As part of the broader South Gippsland food scene, Orbost shares in the abundance of craft growers and producers who contribute to the area's thriving culinary landscape. Visitors can explore local farmers' markets and discover unique flavors that showcase the region's agricultural diversity. From farm-to-table dining experiences to charming eateries tucked away in historic buildings, Orbost provides a rich tapestry of food and drink options for travelers looking to immerse themselves in the tastes of East Gippsland.