Wellington museums

The Wellington Region in Victoria boasts several museums that showcase the history, culture, and heritage of the area. Te Papa is a must-visit attraction featuring exhibits on the city's history, culture, nature, and the sea. Wellington Museum, located in the historic 1892 Bond Store building, shares fascinating stories of the region through its unique collection of thousands of objects. The Museum of Wellington City & Sea is known for its moving Wahine shipwreck exhibition, which recounts the tragic 1968 Wahine disaster. The Colonial Cottage Museum allows visitors to experience life as an immigrant in the 19th century by exploring the oldest dwelling in Wellington, complete with original furnishings and antiques.

In addition to these museums, Wellington is home to various art galleries like Adam Art Gallery, Kura Gallery, and The Dowse Art Museum, showcasing a wide range of artworks, including traditional and contemporary Maori art.

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