
Shark Bay

Tourist attractions

Shark Bay, Iluka NSW 2466, Iluka, NSW 2466
(02) 6643 0800


Shark Bay, also known as Gathaagudu, is a World Heritage Site located in Western Australia's Gascoyne region.

It is situated approximately 800 kilometers north of Perth and spans over 23,000 square kilometers. Shark Bay is known for its pristine waters, islands, and peninsulas that showcase various natural wonders.

One of the notable natural features in Shark Bay is its extensive seagrass beds, which stretch over 4,800 square kilometers. These seagrasses provide habitat and shelter for a diverse range of marine life. Another unique feature is the presence of stromatolites, believed to be the oldest life form on Earth. Shark Bay is famous for its stromatolites, which have formed over thousands of years and can be observed in Hamelin Pool.

The bay is home to a rich marine environment, with dugongs, also known as "sea cows," inhabiting the area in large numbers. Visitors can also encounter over 300 species of fish, 100 species of coral, and many other marine species. Additionally, Shark Bay serves as a refuge for globally threatened species, including humpback whales and loggerhead turtles, which use the calm waters of the bay for breeding.

Shark Bay has a significant historical background, with evidence of Aboriginal occupation dating back 22,000 years. European exploration of the area began in the 1600s, and the bay was named by English explorer William Dampier. European settlement, pearling, and commercial whaling also played a role in the bay's history.

In 1991, Shark Bay became Western Australia's first World Heritage site, recognized for its unique natural features, cultural significance, and exceptional biodiversity. It was later gaz


Natural attractions: Beaches

Trails & sites: Mountain bike trails


Shark Bay, Iluka NSW 2466, Iluka, NSW 2466

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