
Queens Park


City of Canning WA, Locked Bag 80, Queens Park, WA 6107
08 9231 0606


Queens Park is a suburb of Perth, Western Australia, located within the City of Canning.

Queens Park is a suburb of Perth, Western Australia, located within the City of Canning. Its postcode is 6107.

There are 6,853 persons living in Queens Park. The top five ancestries represented in the suburb were English, Chinese, Australian, Indian and Filipino. The majority of persons living in Queens Park were between the ages of 18 and 49 (school leavers, university students, young workforce and parents and home builders).

Things to do


Type: Suburbs

Population: 1001-10000

Time zone: UTC +08:00

Area: 2.625 km2

Elevation: 11-50 metres

Town elevation: 21 m

Population number: 6,655

Local Government Area: City of Canning


City of Canning WA, Locked Bag 80, Queens Park, WA 6107

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This article contains content imported from the English Wikipedia article on Queens Park, Western Australia

Queens Park - Localista

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