
Big Scrub Loop Walking Track

Tourist attractions

Gibbergunyah Range Road, Whian Whian NSW 2480, Whian Whian, NSW 2480


Located within the Nightcap National Park near Lismore, the Big Scrub Loop Walking Track offers visitors the chance to immerse themselves in some of the most magnificent subtropical rainforest in New South Wales.

This popular track is perfect for community and school groups, as well as individual adventurers seeking a peaceful escape into nature. With pretty creeks, abundant birdlife and crystal clear waters, it’s an adventure you won't want to miss.

As you move along the track, there are plenty of opportunities to observe the local flora and fauna. From the shallow creek crossing, the track is clearly marked with orange markers, ensuring you always stay on the path. You’ll see enormous fig trees, giant stinging trees, and yellow carabeen towering above forming part of the rainforest canopy. Beneath the forest giants are lush bangalow palms, maidens blush, and black bean trees while jackwood and lawyer vine form the understorey. You can take a break at one of the fire trails, with ample seating available- this is also a good spot to witness some local birds.

A unique and stunning feature of the Big Scrub Loop Walking Track is the birdlife viewing opportunities. There’s an abundance of bird species all year round, including Albert’s lyrebirds, brush turkeys, and rainforest pigeons. You can also witness a few reptiles along the track including land mullet and carpet snake. The rich biodiversity of this rainforest ecosystem is out of this world, with something new for visitors to discover every step of the way.

The Big Scrub Loop Walking Track is open all year round to visitors, but different times of the year offer unique experiences. The summer months are great for swimming, and visitors can


Trails & sites: Hiking tracks


Gibbergunyah Range Road, Whian Whian NSW 2480, Whian Whian, NSW 2480

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