
Jillian Taylor

Tourist attractions Drawing, Paintings, Artist studios

5 East Willmott Avenue, Margaret River, WA


I consider myself an emerging artist. My work is continually evolving. Artistry is in my blood. My father was a fine artist, and I won various art awards in my latter school years.

During a long period living in England, I studied this at the Royal School of Needlework and Chelsea School of Art. It was this interest which led me to found a sizeable needlework business with a shop in Knightsbridge, London and ultimately a wholesaling and mail order business which I ran for 25 years. Whilst I had no time to develop my art during this time, it manifested itself through my fine needlework– both designing and stitching it. On returning to Australia 15 years ago I took up art under various tutors and I continue attending a class to this day with Peter Scott. My lifelong interest in the arts led to me joining forces with Bill Castleden to co-founder the Margaret River Region Open Studios.

My medium of choice is acrylic paint and I enjoy painting landscapes, mostly of this beautiful, unique country we live in. My work usually exudes realism. For many years I fought my urge for detail which I can attribute to the precision of my fine needlework.


Art galleries: Drawing, Paintings, Artist studios


5 East Willmott Avenue, Margaret River, WA

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