Sorell art galleries and exhibitions

The Sorell region in Tasmania is known for its vibrant art scene, with several galleries showcasing the talent of local artists and craftsmen. One of the notable galleries is the Three Peaks Gallery in Sorell, a co-op gallery run by local artists offering a diverse range of locally made art, craft, and gifts. Situated next to the Velvet Cafe, it provides a unique experience for art enthusiasts and those seeking a distinctive dining experience.

In Latrobe, the Beverley Skurulis Gallery displays the works of self-taught artist Beverley Skurulis, whose art draws inspiration from the beauty of Tasmania and other parts of Australia. The Rubicon River Arts in Latrobe serves as a space for exploring, developing, and sharing creative skills, as well as appreciating a wide range of artwork.

For handmade timber gifts, Fonz's Woodcraft Gallery in Spreyton specializes in Huon Pine products renowned for their unique aroma and craftsmanship. Lastly, the Australian Axemans Hall of Fame in Latrobe stands as a museum dedicated to the history and legends of woodchopping, offering colorful stories and exhibits related to this distinctive Australian sport.

Sorell art galleries and exhibitions - Localista

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