Biloela attractions

Biloela, a friendly and welcoming town in Central Queensland, offers a variety of attractions for visitors. One of the must-visit places is the Queensland Heritage Park, which features a large collection of historical exhibits celebrating the history of Australia. The park includes interpretive and interactive display panels focusing on the diverse primary industries within the Central Queensland region, providing an incredible insight into the cultural and historical heritage of the area.

Kroombit Park is another notable attraction, offering a range of activities such as 4WD'ing, bird-watching, bush camping, and bushwalking. The park features a wide variety of vegetation, making it a great spot for nature enthusiasts and those seeking outdoor adventures.

For those interested in outdoor activities, Callide Dam is a top fishing spot, offering opportunities for fishing, boating, and picnicking. The dam is a popular recreational area, providing a picturesque setting for a day of outdoor fun.

Additionally, visitors can explore Biloela Water Tank Art, which showcases unique and vibrant art pieces on the town's water tanks. These art installations add a creative touch to the town's landscape and are worth a visit for art enthusiasts and photographers.