Rowley Shoals Marine Park tourist attractions

Mermaid Reef Marine Park, located northwest of Broome, Western Australia, is a pristine diving destination that covers an area of 540 square kilometers. It is part of the Rowley Shoals, known for its diverse marine life. Managed by Parks Australia, the park is one of 58 Australian Marine Parks that protect biodiversity and promote sustainable use of marine resources.

Mermaid Reef, the most north-easterly of the three reefs in the area, is famous for its spectacular diving experiences and approachable fish, such as the enormous potato cod. The park is home to over 200 species of hard corals and 12 classes of soft corals, with pristine coral formations. It also boasts a wide range of marine life, including over 214 coral species, 530 fish species, and various invertebrate fauna.

As a National Park Zone, the park offers high levels of protection for marine life, prohibiting fishing and the removal of marine specimens. Visitors typically arrive by charter boat and stay for a minimum of five days due to the 12-hour boat trip to the Rowley Shoals. The park is an important habitat for sharks, marine turtles, toothed whales, dolphins, tuna, billfish, and migratory seabirds, serving as a significant resting and feeding site for these species.

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