Rowley Shoals Marine Park

Mermaid Reef Marine Park in Western Australia is a popular diving destination known for its clear waters and diverse marine life. It is part of the Rowley Shoals, a chain of protected coral atolls, and offers various activities for nature lovers and diving enthusiasts. With over 200 species of hard coral and a wide range of marine species, the park is perfect for snorkeling and diving. Visitors can encounter approachable fish like the potato cod and explore the lagoon surrounded by fascinating corals. The park also provides the opportunity to see sailfish, humpback whales, and other coral and fish species. Fishing and the removal of marine specimens are strictly prohibited in the park, ensuring the preservation of the marine ecosystem. Managed by Parks Australia, Mermaid Reef Marine Park is one of 58 Australian Marine Parks that protect biodiversity and promote sustainable use of marine resources. Visitors typically arrive by charter boat and stay for at least five days, with the boat trip taking approximately 12 hours. Whether diving, snorkeling, or simply enjoying the view from a boat, a trip to Mermaid Reef is a unique and unforgettable experience.

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