
Manildra, a charming town in New South Wales, offers a variety of attractions and activities for visitors to enjoy. One of the town's highlights is the Yarn Market Craft Cottage, a perfect stop for those interested in unique handcrafted items. Additionally, the Pioneer Brewing Co. provides an opportunity for beer tastings and tours, allowing visitors to experience the local brews. For a quirky and fun experience, the Animals on Bikes exhibit showcases creative and whimsical sculptures along a scenic bike trail.

For those interested in the town's history and culture, a visit to the Manildra Flour Mill is a must. As the largest flour mill in the southern hemisphere, it is an important part of the town's heritage and offers insight into the local industry. The mill's train wagons, adorned with large-scale portraits of locals by artist Guito van Helten, capture the everyday spirit of the town and are a unique sight to behold.

Outdoor enthusiasts can explore the natural beauty surrounding Manildra, with activities such as the Mount Murga Walking Track and trout fishing in nearby Boree and Mandagery creeks. The town also boasts the oldest continually operating theatre in Australia, the Amusu Theatre, which provides a charming and nostalgic cinema experience, as well as a movie poster museum.

Whether it's exploring local craftsmanship, enjoying a taste of the town's brews, or immersing oneself in its history, Manildra offers a delightful range of attractions and activities for visitors to experience and enjoy.