
Murringo, a small village in New South Wales, has a range of attractions for visitors. One highlight is the Taubman and Webb Trading Post, which functions as a bushman museum and tribute center. It showcases the area's heritage and offers wine tasting from Trandari Wines. The trading post also features leather products and artifacts, providing a unique cultural experience.

History enthusiasts should visit the Murringo Barracks Gallery, located in the historic Mounted Police Barracks. This gallery displays works by local and regional artists, giving insight into the area's artistic heritage.

Murringo is known for its Georgian cottages, churches, and the 1862 schoolhouse, all of which offer a glimpse into the village's architectural history. The cemetery, with its historical significance, is also worth a visit for those interested in the area's heritage.

Visitors can engage with the local community and explore handmade crafts and local produce at the Murringo Village Markets, which are held quarterly. These markets reflect the village's strong community spirit and offer a vibrant and authentic experience.