Oxley Flats

Oxley Flats in Victoria is a destination that offers a variety of attractions and activities for travelers. One of the highlights is the picturesque Milawa Gourmet Region, which is home to Blue Ox Blueberries, the King River Café, and renowned wineries like Ciavarella, Sam Miranda, and John Gehrig Wines. The area is also part of the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail, providing opportunities for cycling and sightseeing. Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy the Ovens River at the Ovens Billabong camping site, which offers fishing, swimming, and kayaking opportunities. Wine enthusiasts can indulge in wine tasting at the Ciavarella Oxley Estate Winery and John Gehrig Wines, experiencing the local wine culture and scenic vineyards. Historical and cultural sites such as the Oxley War Memorial and Forges Farm provide insight into the area's heritage. For those seeking more active experiences, there are opportunities for cycling, hiking, and horse riding, with dedicated paths and trails available for exploration.