Three Springs

Three Springs, located 313km north of Perth on the Midlands Road, offers a variety of attractions for visitors. The town is named after local springs that were an important watering stop for early settlers and drovers. One of the main highlights is the Everlastings Wildflower Trail, which showcases a dazzling patchwork of colorful wildflowers from late July to September. The area is also a haven for birdwatching, making it an ideal destination for those interested in birdwatching.

In addition to the wildflowers, the town and its surrounding areas offer other nature-based activities. The nearby Dookanooka National Park is a delight for nature lovers, with a large stand of natural bushland that provides a habitat for native fauna and spring wildflowers. The park is an excellent location for those seeking a closer experience with nature, especially for birdwatching enthusiasts. The scenic Robinson Road-Arrowsmith River Crossing wildflower drive and Cockatoo Canyon are also top local wildflower hotspots, adding to the natural beauty of the area.

For those interested in exploring the town itself, the Visitor Information Centre is a great starting point. The center provides information about the local attractions, including an impressive native garden and herbarium. During the wildflower season, the center is open to cater specifically to those driving through and wanting to see the wildflower displays. The town's proximity to the coast also makes it an ideal day trip from coastal tourist resorts, adding to its appeal as a travel destination.

Three Springs - Localista

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