Tarcoola Beach

Tarcoola Beach in Geraldton, Western Australia, offers a range of attractions and activities suitable for families. It provides a picturesque setting with safe swimming conditions, ideal for a relaxing day at the beach. The turquoise waters and soft white sandy beach are perfect for swimming and lounging. Children can enjoy building sandcastles and collecting shells and fossils. For those seeking more active pursuits, a half-hour walk along the coastline to the town center offers the opportunity to watch skilled windsurfers taking on the famous Geraldton wind. Across the road from the beach, there is a grassed area that provides a stunning ocean view, perfect for a picnic lunch or admiring the sunset.

Tarcoola Beach also offers opportunities for exploring vibrant marine life through activities such as snorkeling or diving. Nearby, the Coalseam Conservation Park and Nambung National Park provide further options for nature enthusiasts, offering opportunities for exploration and outdoor activities.

Whether visitors desire a tranquil beach experience or an adventure in the nearby parks, Tarcoola Beach caters to every type of traveler.