West Ulverstone

When visiting West Ulverstone, Tasmania, there are several attractions and activities that you shouldn't miss. One of the top attractions is the Leven Canyon, offering striking natural sights with the Leven River coursing through limestone cliffs dropping 300 meters. Additionally, Preston Falls, Anzac Park, and the Ulverstone History Museum are worth a visit. For nature enthusiasts, the endearingly quirky garden maze on Maud Street provides breathtaking views of the town and its coast. Moreover, the Ulverstone Local History Museum on Main Street showcases artifacts from bygone times, including pieces from a blacksmith and wheelwright.

If you're interested in exploring the surrounding area, the Leven River roars into the Bass Street at Ulverstone, offering beautiful views of the town and its coast. The town also offers beautiful swimming beaches, coastal paths, and picnic spots with stunning views for the whole family. For those interested in the local arts and crafts, Ulverstone is known for its makers and artisans, with quaint and unique shops attracting souvenir seekers. Additionally, the town offers a variety of accommodation options, including holiday houses, beachside B&Bs, hotels, motels, and oceanside caravan parks for travelers of the Bass Highway.

For a more adventurous experience, you can visit the spectacular 250m deep ravine at Leven Canyon, located 41km south of Ulverstone. This must-see attraction offers well-equipped picnic areas for visitors.

Whether you're interested in outdoor adventures, sightseeing, or immersing yourself in the local arts and history, there's something for every traveler to enjoy in this scenic coastal town.