Iconic LED screen at Perth Cultural Centre to be removed

Last Updated: 04 Dec 2020
Charli Peasley

The iconic LED screen at Perth Cultural Centre's amphitheatre is being removed on Monday, December 7.

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Having set up shop in 2011, the big screen served as a source of entertainment and free advertising for arts and events in the city. Typically showing smaller, indie films, animations, or live performances, as well as being utilised for the Fringeworld hub at PCC, the space will be missed by many.

The removal of the visual blockage follows the opening of WA Museum Boola Bardip in PCC and opens up the precinct for viewing from William and Beaufort Street. The idea is to clean up the area so as to allow for bigger events and more space for general activities in the area. Although the amphitheatre space has been used for this reason previously, such as for WAMFest and the aforementioned Fringeworld, the newly cleared space opens up the possibility of installing much larger temporary stages for bigger music, theatre and performing arts performances.

A Cultural Precinct Taskforce has been appointed to revitalise the area further, with a Masterplan currently under review. Keep an eye out for more announcements about design changes at Perth Cultural Centre.

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