The Moores Building Contemporary Art Gallery

The Moores Building Contemporary Art Gallery

Last Updated: 14 Dec 2015
Localista Team

What's on at The Moores Building Contemporary Art Gallery this season.

1 Megan Christie
Insectory | $2900
Mixed media

Artist | Megan Christie's practice is the design and creation of fine furniture as functional art pieces. Her work reflects her strong belief in and attachment to the land and environment, with many works directly responding to her experiences and the relationship between landscape and culture.
Artwork | The artist is reflecting on the human tendency to categorise and exploit nature– to capture, list, store, pin, label, catalogue, contain, confine, describe, explain, exploit, manipulate, abuse, destroy, and restore. It will be on show in the We're Not Dead Yet exhibition at The Moores Building Contemporary Art Gallery this season.

2 Sean Perse
Kuka's | $100 (framed)
Paint and ink on board, 15x15cm

Artist | Sean Perse has been a practising visual artist for more than 30 years. Interested in the ways viewers engage with images, Perse works with photography, digital manipulation, painting and drawings. He removes or distorts details to create blanks that audiences can fill themselves, to heighten personal relevance and meaning.
Artwork | The image in Kuka's is both figurative and architectural, and is designed to evoke strong, specific memories, which are personalised to each viewer's own experiences. This work is part of the Looking Back exhibition, open March 12-20.


46 Henry Street, Fremantle
(08) 9432 9898,

Recent Sculptures January 9-24
Old Mates, New Phones January 9-24
We're Not Dead Yet January 30-February 14
A Stray Alien February 20-March 6
A Line Between... March 12-20
Elements March 12-20
Looking Back March 12-20


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