Westgate by Hames Sharley

Westgate by Hames Sharley

Last Updated: 25 Aug 2014
Localista Team

Hames Sharley continues to be an innovator, offering clients a range of expertise, the latest technology, and global research and knowledge to deliver projects of international standing.

The underlying principle behind the design of Westgate was to reactivate the prominent corner of Railway and Bagot roads in Subiaco and provide a new community asset and landmark. This striking six-level commercial office sets a new high-quality architectural benchmark for the immediate precinct. As the revitalisation of this area continues, Westgate provides the quality of built form future developments will aspire to.

Westgate's remarkable glass curtain wall facing Railway Road is a first in WA, eliminating structural mullions from its perimeter to create an eye-catching facade on this prominent corner.

Steel was used as the primary structure not only to reduce construction time to 14 months, but also to enable huge clear spans between columns to deliver high-quality open commercial office space. Fabrication and coordination of steel off site allowed the structural steel to be assembled on site very quickly, and dramatically reduced build time. A side core provided better access to views for the tenants, and by using appropriately shaded high-performance double-glazing throughout, and proactive selection of air conditioning systems, Westgate achieved a designed NABERS rating of 5.5 stars.

The completed crisp, clean exterior is softened by the large, established trees surrounding the site, providing a rare feeling of openness and connection to nature while furnishing the occupants with substantial views of the surrounding suburb.


ARCHITECT | Hames Sharley
BUILDER | Northerly Group
BRIEF | Six-level commercial office building yielding 5400sqm NLA.
BUILD TIME | 14 months
FEATURES | 5.5 star NABERS (as-designed rating)
LOCATION | Subiaco

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