Fitzroy Crossing attractions

Fitzroy Crossing in Western Australia's Kimberley region offers a range of captivating attractions. One of the top attractions is Geikie Gorge National Park, known for its stunning gorge and indigenous cultural significance. The park provides opportunities for bushwalks, wildlife spotting, and boat tours along the Fitzroy River. Another must-visit site is the Mimbi Caves, which hold ancient rock art and are of great cultural importance to the local Gooniyandi people. Guided indigenous tours through the caves offer insights into traditional stories, bush tucker, and medicinal practices.

The area is also home to other natural wonders. Windjana Gorge impresses with its towering walls carved over millions of years, while Tunnel Creek offers the chance for a torch-lit walk through Western Australia's oldest cave system. Additionally, the Fitzroy River provides opportunities for activities like fishing and wildlife observation.

For those interested in the region's cultural heritage, the Fitzroy Crossing Visitor Centre is a valuable starting point. It provides information on local attractions, tours, and cultural experiences. The center also serves as a gateway to the area's significant cultural sites and can help arrange indigenous tours and experiences.