Discovery Centres in Perth & Surrounds

Discovery Centres in Perth and surrounds offer a variety of educational and engaging experiences for visitors. The Perth Hills Discovery Centre, located in the jarrah and marri forest close to Perth, serves as a meeting place, walk trail hub, campground, and education facility where visitors can immerse themselves in nature and learn about the local environment.

The Gravity Discovery Centre and Observatory, situated in bushland near Gingin north of Perth, focuses on science education, astronomy, and Aboriginal culture. It features a fully retractable roof, state-of-the-art telescopes, and a stunning view of the night sky. The Centre also offers Aboriginal Astronomy sessions for visitors to learn about dreamtime stories of creation and observe the night sky through telescopes.

Perth Observatory, just 25 km east of Perth in the suburb of Bickley, has been a hub for astronomical discovery and public education for over 125 years. Recognised for its scientific, cultural, and historical significance, the Observatory offers visitors a unique window into the wonders of the universe and a glimpse into its rich history. These Discovery Centres provide informative and interactive experiences for visitors of all ages, showcasing the wonders of science, nature, and culture in Western Australia.

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